5 common onboarding challenges in 2024 (plus solutions)

Sandeep Kashyap
6 min readMay 23, 2024


A negative onboarding experience can make your employees feel out of place.

A study by Hibob reveals that 64% of new employees are likely to leave their new jobs within the first year due to a negative onboarding experience.

Today’s hiring landscape adds fuel to the fire: attracting qualified talent is tough, and employee expectations are higher than ever. To retain new hires, prioritize a positive onboarding experience.

It should be a positive and welcoming experience that puts employees at ease as they settle into their new roles and establish their place in a new workplace.

It is, however, challenging to pull off an ideal onboarding experience.

Here’s a breakdown of five of the biggest onboarding challenges in 2024 and how you can overcome them.

Top 5 onboarding challenges and solutions

A study by Glassdoor suggests that a strong onboarding process can lead to an 82% increase in employee retention and over 70% improvement in performance.

But what are the challenges, and how can we overcome them? Let’s explore the top 5 onboarding hurdles in 2024 and strategies to conquer them.

1. Information overload

When you think back to the last time you started a new job, the first day is often a blur. There is so much information coming to you and many people to meet. Employers usually want new hires to start being productive right away, so they try to rush through the entire onboarding process.

However, the first few days should be focused on helping new employees get comfortable in their roles and learn how to do their new jobs effectively. The goal is to create positive employee experiences from the moment an employee accepts their role in your company.

Solution: Organize training sessions and information sharing to allow new hires to fully grasp their learnings. For example, create a checklist of the tasks they need to complete during their first, second, and third weeks on the job.

Instead of scheduling continuous training sessions, allocate time for new team members to review information and explore on their own. This is especially important in the initial weeks when employees are unfamiliar with company processes.

Downtime also provides new hires with the opportunity to establish connections and engage with their colleagues.

2. Lack of role clarity

Goals provide employees with a clear focus. They establish the significance of a new hire’s work and keep them motivated and accountable throughout the onboarding process.

“Goals make people feel better because they can track their progress. They feel empowered to make things happen and can bring new ideas and creativity to the table, and then see the outcome of it.” — David C. Edelman

Without clear goals, employees are less effective and more likely to leave your company.

Solution: You can start by helping new hires set actionable goals for their role. Also, illustrate how those goals connect to company-wide plans. For example, if a new employee needs to update the IT intake process within their first year, explain how this task will help streamline processes and cut costs for the company.

A project management tool like ProofHub can be really useful here. The tool allows you to set clear, measurable goals for new team members or yourself, and break down each goal into manageable tasks. This helps everyone understand their responsibilities.

This ensures that everyone is on the same page and that new hires have a clear understanding of their roles and expectations.

Set clear goals, assign tasks, and measure success with ProofHub. Start your 14-day free trial now!

3. Slow onboarding process

Tackling the first day at a new job can be super exciting. But let’s face it — all that paperwork can put a damper on things.

According to company onboarding statistics, the average new hire onboarding experience consists of 54 activities, including paperwork.

The slow onboarding process with its mountain of paperwork can be a real headache, causing frustration and delays for new hires.

Solution: You can simplify your onboarding processes for new hires by using electronic forms and e-signatures. You can also initiate the process before the joining day by providing important company information and setting up access to tools. This approach allows you to get a head start before the official start date.

By using this method, your new hire can smoothly navigate the onboarding process. Plus, they will have more time to focus on understanding their new role and getting to know their team.

4. Unclear communication & feedback

If you don’t ask, you’ll never know! A common mistake companies make is not asking for feedback after the onboarding process.

New employees can provide valuable insights into areas where they struggled or felt confused. This feedback is crucial for improving the onboarding experience for future hires.

Solution: Establish clear communication channels, such as regular check-ins with managers and designated mentors. Create an environment where new hires feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and experiences. Actively seek their feedback on what worked well and what didn’t.

Here, you can use a PM tool like ProofHub that offers real-time communication features such as chat and discussions- allowing team members to instantly connect and share updates.

It helps you gather feedback efficiently and make necessary adjustments to your onboarding program, leading to a smoother transition for future employees.

Make your employee onboarding process smooth and streamlined. Try ProofHub for free!

5. Disconnected culture

Ever felt like the new kid at school who just can’t seem to fit in?

Well, that’s exactly how some new employees feel when they have a hard time connecting with the company culture. It’s like they’re on the outside looking in, not quite part of the group.

The problem with this disconnection is that it can lead to reduced productivity, higher employee turnover, and cost US businesses up to $406 billion a year (about $1,200 per person in the US).

Solution: When you are welcoming new employees, you need to create an environment where they feel connected.

You can organize social events, team-building activities, and opportunities for everyone to mingle and get to know each other. By doing this, you’re not just building a team — you’re creating a work family.

Bonus tip: The first-day experience

The first day at a new job can be both exciting and nerve-wracking for a new employee. It sets the tone for their entire experience at the company.

A positive first-day experience can make your new joinee feel welcomed and valued, while a negative one can leave them feeling disoriented and uncertain.

To ensure a great start for new employees, it’s crucial to focus on creating a warm and informative first-day experience. Here are a few tips to make the first day memorable for the new employee:

  • Organize a friendly introduction to the team and key colleagues.
  • Make sure the workspace is set up and ready to go for them.
  • Include some team-bonding activities to help the new employee feel like part of the team from day one.

These small gestures can go a long way in making the first day of a new team member a memorable and positive experience.


To wrap up, a successful onboarding process not only sets up employees for success in their new roles, but also equips them with the necessary skills, information, and connections to immediately contribute to the organization.

Therefore, establish a process that provides new employees with opportunities for growth and development, leading to a more productive and harmonious work environment for all.

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Sandeep Kashyap

Internet Entrepreneur, CEO of SDP Labs and Founder of ProofHub