8 Valuable Lessons I learned from 8 Successful People

Sandeep Kashyap
5 min readJul 25, 2018


Nothing is more inspiring than reading or hearing about the success stories of our idols and famous public figures. It helps us to muster courage and strength to go after our dreams and work hard to make them a reality.

Different people have different ways to seek inspiration. The one that goes well with me is going through powerful quotes by these successful and remarkable people. I have a list of them and would be sharing my favorite 10 quotes along with my interpretation of them.

Let’s get started:

  1. “You don’t have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great.” — Zig Ziglar

The fear and anxiety of starting something new could be more overwhelming than the intent and excitement of it. It’s natural to feel those initial jitters but they will go away as soon as you take the first step. Believe in yourself and get going with all the preparation, conviction, and nervousness.

How to prepare yourself to take the first step:

  • Note down your goals and stick them near your bed
  • Don’t wait for the right moment to do something
  • Visualize the end result to motivate yourself

2. “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” — Neale Donald Walsch

To become a better and more evolved human being, you have to cut ties with your comfort zone. Bear this in mind that a comfort zone might be a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there. Whenever you come across a difficult situation, face it without thinking too much about the end result. Sometimes, facing your fears is more fulfilling than any victory.

How to step out of your comfort zone:

  • Identify your fears and face them step by step
  • Do at least one thing that scares you every day
  • Be consistent in your efforts

“Want to bring a positive change in your worklife this year? Stop relying on emails and switch to a project management software!”

3. “There is no man living that can not do more than he thinks he can” — Henry Ford

Henry Ford was a big thinker of his times. The automobile genius was not just a revolutionary pioneer but also parted some words of wisdom to the future generations. One such advice was the above quote in which he encourages the reader to always believe in himself. No matter how unprepared, inexperienced, unskilled you are, don’t be scared to set and chase high standards.

How to develop unshakeable faith in yourself:

  • Recite powerful affirmations every morning
  • Document your previous achievements
  • Focus on strengths and work on weaknesses

4. “Your time is limited. Don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” — Steve Jobs

Successful people are frugal with their time and you should be too. They know exactly when, where, and how to spend every minute of their day. The above quote by Steve Jobs is a great reminder that none of us are going to live forever. Stop living your life chasing someone else’s version of success and start doing something you always wanted to do.

The above words hold special significance in my life. If I wouldn’t have heard them, I would have never acted upon my dream and ProofHub would have never happened. Click here to know more about it.

How to make the most of your time:

  • Start time-slotting your tasks
  • Understand the difference between what’s urgent and what’s important
  • If possible, use a time management software or mobile app

5. “The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams” — Oprah Winfrey

Don’t chase someone else’s version of success because if you take a deep look at the lives of all these extraordinary people, you will realize that each one of them had a clear picture what success looks like to them. You got to understand your version of success and then develop the guts to go after it — your life will be no less than a beautiful adventure.

How to be more self-aware:

  • Spend more time with yourself
  • Meditate
  • Expose yourself to new ideas and places

6. “Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start over.” — Richard Branson

Both success and failure go hand in hand. From Thomas Edison to Oprah Winfrey, people have been knocked down by a string of failures but what made them successful was that they embraced it instead of being embarrassed of them. Each one of us falters at one point or another while trying something new and that’s the most natural way to learn. So, make more mistakes to learn more.

How to deal with failure:

  • Accept it and don’t take it personally
  • Be constructive and learn from them
  • Move forward and let it go

7. “Balance in life is the key to everything” — Bryant McGill

Give your hundred percent when you’re working but once you’re done allow your body to rest and rejuvenate. Strike the right balance and see what works best for you. After working for five days at a stretch, give some rest to your body and mind during weekends so that you can get back to work with same vigor and enthusiasm.

How to find the right balance in life:

  • Don’t overwork yourself
  • Take a break every once in a while

8. “Even if I have already peaked, I have to believe I can improve” — Rafael Nadal

Success might lead to arrogance and could bring you to a point where you might think there’s nothing left to be achieved. There comes a point when you are hit by complacency. Perhaps you start wondering if you’ve learned everything that was required to reach where you are today. The wise and successful people keep on reminding themselves that there’s always a room for improvement. If you are the smartest person in the room, it’s time to get into some other room.

How to keep improving yourself:

  • Set your standards a notch higher than earlier
  • Level up your skills
  • Don’t take success too seriously

Last few words

There are numerous people out there we can learn so many things from. You just have to find the right ones to keep getting inspired, work harder, and work better.

I wish you all the luck and success.


Author Bio:

Sandeep Kashyap is the Founder and CEO of ProofHub — a leading project management and collaboration software. He’s one person always on a lookout for innovative ideas about filling the communication gap between groups, teams, and organizations. You’ll find him saying, “Let’s go!” instead of “Go!” many times a day. That’s what makes him write about leadership in a way people are inspired to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more.



Sandeep Kashyap

Internet Entrepreneur, CEO of SDP Labs and Founder of ProofHub