What’s stopping you from becoming a business rockstar?

Sandeep Kashyap
5 min readFeb 11, 2017

The only difference between a successful businessman and a person working for him is that he took the courage to break the shell. He is running a business because he took the decision to start building his dream the way he wanted. That’s the harsh reality. As Tony Gaskins has said — ‘If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs.’

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We all have our dreams. And I am certain that given an opportunity everyone would love to build their own dreams. Even amongst those who have the courage to get out of the job-shell and work towards becoming a business rockstart, a big percentage don’t make it to the cut. But, why is that?

Why are they not able to make their dream work? Here is a look at some of the reasons, which I think work against them -

Not being serious

In an intriguing article on the rate of startup failures in Silicon Valley, Kristin Prior gives lucid numbers to show why startups fail. The numbers show that almost half of the startups fail because of poor planning. It shows that close to 50% startups fail due to reasons like emotional pricing, lack of knowledge in financing, bookkeeping and poor planning.

This reflects that either the leaders did not have idea about what they were doing. Or they were not too serious about it, which is a high probability.

Fear of failure

How many times does it happen that we don’t start something because don’t want to fail. That’s human psychology. Fear of failure keeps us tied down in the vicious circle of mediocrity. No matter how innovative our ideas are, we don’t give it a shot. It has happened with, it has happened with you. And I am sure it has happened with all the successful business leaders out there.

We have kept our dreams hidden in a secret vault because we were afraid of failures. But we forget the fact that failure are the stepping stones to success. Even if we talk about silicon valley, the rate of failure is proportional to the chances of success. Check out this amazing post that shows how in Silicon Valley, failing is succeeding.

Not knowing what you know

No matter how good a business idea is, if you are not passionate about it you won’t succeed. If you are planning to jump into the startup bandwagon because everyone is doing it, then drop the idea. Think of it like this way — would you be doing the stuff you are doing even if you never made money from it? If the answer comes in affirmative, then you are good to go.

This small assessment test can help anyone to know what they don’t know i.e. their passion. In words of Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, “Merging your work and your interests is imperative.” but many a time we don’t know what our interests are. We don’t know what we know. And once you get to know it, nothing can stop you from becoming a rockstar businessman.

Your own BS

Your dreams won’t work, unless you do. So stop feeding this BS to your mind that you are too young to do it, or you are too inexperienced. The world is full of people who have broken barriers of success without paying heed to their limitations. Check out the story of Nick Vujicic. And you would get to know that it’s your BS that’s stopping you from becoming who you want to be.

If you have a dream, dare to work for it! Or else prepare yourself to work for making someone else’s dream come true. In other words, put up with it or just shut up!

Think Big. Act Bigger.

Bill Gates is a college dropout. Steve Jobs got kicked out of Apple before making it the revolutionary company it is today. Mark Zuckerberg was 23 when he became a billionaire. How did they achieve it? Because they thought big and acted bigger!

Do you think these examples are too mainstream? There are endless examples of people who made it big by following their passion, which we don’t even know. Here is a nice piece shared by Vartika with a couple of such examples — https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/you-never-too-young-old-follow-your-dreams?trk=mp-reader-card.

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On a parting note, all I have to say here is — it’s up to you. To become a business rockstar the biggest barrier you need to break is your thoughts. Once you have overcome that hurdle, you can take on all the future challenges with ease.

All the best!

About The Author

Sandeep Kashyap is the Founder of ProofHub. You can connect with him onTwitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

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Sandeep Kashyap

Internet Entrepreneur, CEO of SDP Labs and Founder of ProofHub